100+ Best Good Night Wishes, Messages & Quotes

Good night text messages activate the part of the brain responsible for happiness. Here you can see best Good night wishes and messages for friends, family, and lovers to give happiness to their faces. Also, you can see best wishes cards and Inspirational good night messages.

Good Night Wishes

Good Night Wishes

Good Night Wishes and blessings

Good Night Wishes and blessings

 Latest good night Messages

Good Night Wishes

Good Night Wishes and blessings

Good Night Wishes and blessings

Good Night Wishes and blessings

Always remember to fall asleep with a dream and wake up with a purpose.
Good Night

Starlight, star bright, you are the 1st, and last I think of tonight. Good Night

If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way. Good Night

Sleep well tonight! God is bigger than anything you will face tomorrow. Good Night

Life always offers you a second chance. It’s called tomorrow. Good Night

Good Night. Praying you all had a great day &may your night be blessed as well. Sweet Dreams.

May God takes away all your problems and sends blessings while you are asleep. Good Night

Good Night. I pray that your night & your week ahead is blessed beyond your greatest expectations. God bless you

My heart yearns for your love. I hope to see you soon. goodnight

May God gives you restful sleep and keeps your dreams alive. Good night.

Even though the whole world is sleeping, my thought would be around you! Even my dreams carry you, my dear! Love you so much. Good night and sweet dreams!

Good Night Wishes and blessings

Good night, nice dreams, love, and peace!

Good night, sleep tight. I will be dreaming of you with all my might.

May you dream of lovely things and wake up to find them real. Good Night!

Get a good night’s sleep, and tomorrow will be great (for you).

Good Night. May angels fly across your dreams!

Touch your heart, close your eyes. Make a wish, say goodnight. Sky so wide, stars so bright, off the lights, sleep so tight.

May angel wishes watch over your sleep tonight.

Praying you all had a great day, and may your night be blessed as a wall. Good night, sweet dreams.

As you end your day, let your heart be filled with thankfulness for all that is good in your life.

May angels guard you through the night and keep you safe ’til morning light.

May all my family and friends have a great night rest peacefully, my love.

Good night everybody, have a great sleep, and I hope that you have a great day tomorrow. Take care and smile a lot.

Latest good night Messages

Each day I wish that my dreams will come true. Then I remember that I am now with you.

Touch your heart and shut your eyes, dream sweet dreams and sleep tight.

Good Night! Sleep tight.I may not be by your side, but know that you’re always in my heart.

No matter how far you are… you are always in my thoughts! Good Night.

I don’t dream about you because I can never fall asleep thinking about you.

I’ll try to sleep so that I can keep you in my dreams.

During the day, I keep myself busy, and sometimes time passes. But at night, I really miss you.

As you fall asleep, I want you to remember what a good person you are. Remember that I admire you and care for you. Sweet dreams!

Before going to sleep every night, forgive everyone and sleep with a clean heart.

May the Lord bless you with peace throughout the night!

I pray you have a good rest, and tomorrow may bring you much happiness.

I pray the love of Jesus surrounds you and gives you a peaceful night’s rest!

I don’t think about you because I can never fall asleep thinking about you.

Tonight I’m going to sleep earlier because I want to see you in my dream very early. Good Night!

Take a breath and gaze up at the stars. See the two brightest stars? Those are my eyes twinkling back at you.

Good Night Wishes in Hindi

चाँद की चाँदनी से सजे,
तारों की रौशनी से भरे,
सपनों की दुनिया में खो जाओ,
गुड नाईट कहकर हमसे मिलो..!
🌠गुड नाईट🌌

रात के चाँद से कह दो गुड नाईट,
सपनों की दुनिया में खो जाओ आज रात !
चुपके से आए ख्वाबों की बारात,
मिले खुशियाँ और हो सभी की मुलाकात..!
🌌गुड नाईट,🌠

रात की चादर में लिपटे,
सपनों की दुनिया में खो जाओ!
चाँद की किरनें बिखर जाएं,
खुदा से बस यही दुआ है कि तुम
🌌गुड नाईट,🌠

रात की गहराई से आँखें नम हो जाए,
ख्वाबों की दुनिया में खो जाए!
चाँदनी की किरणें संग ले कर जाए,
सोने की गहराई में हम खो जाए!
गुड नाईट..!

रात की गहराई से आवाज़ आती है,
सपनों की दुनिया में खो जाती है!
चाँदनी की किरणें संग सुलाती हैं,
गुड नाईट कहकर ख्वाबों में बुलाती है!
🌌गुड नाईट,🌠

दूर हैं आप से तो कोई गम नहीं…
दूर रह कर भूलनेवाले हम नहीं..
मुलाकात ना हो तो क्या हुआ
आपकी याद मुलाकात से कम नहीं…
🌠 Good Night 🌉

हो चुकी रात बहुत अब सो भी जाइये,
जो है दिल के करीब
उसके ख्यालों में खो जाइये,
कर रहा होगा कोई इंतज़ार आपका,
ख्वाबों में ही सही, मिल तो आइये।
🌌गुड नाईट,🌠

चमकती चावनी में और भी हसीन लगने लगी हो
मुझसे मिलके और भी कमसिन लगने लगी हो से
देखकर लगता है तुम्हारी आँखों के सुअन को
मेरी चाहत में सारी-सारी रात जगने लगी हो ।।
🌌गुड नाईट,🌠

चाँद के दीदार को सितारे अनेक हैं,
सितारों के लिए चाँद सिर्फ एक हैं,
आपके लिए तो हजारों होंगे,
लेकिन हमारे लिए आप हज़ारों में एक हैं..
🌌गुड नाईट,🌠

दिन पे अँधेरा छा गया,
चाँद तारो के साथ आ गया,
रात का ये माहोल सभी को सूला गया,
और आप अभी सोये नही,
लिए मेरा SMS आपको आ गया !!
🌌गुड नाईट,🌠

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